Best Buds Flower Farm
Come and visit…

Welcome to my happy place.

I’m glad you’re here. Walking in the fields has a magic all its own. Tap into the uplifting flower power of the farm this season.

You’re Invited…

Take time with nature and reap the benefits of an organic restoration. Breathe in the fresh air and smell the fragrances of heirloom varieties that your grandmas and great-grandmas had in their gardens. Even if you don’t know what’s happening in your nervous system, you’ll feel the difference.

Most flowers for purchase in the U.S. are shipped in from South America and they are chemically treated and bred for air and truck travel, rather than vigor and fragrance. Our flowers last in the vase for a week or more and will fill your home with sweet scents.

We nourish our plants and therefore our pollinators by using only compost and other all natural amendments. One of our favorite times is the weekly foliar feeding. We make tea out of compost and water that is allowed to percolate for a day, week, or more. Then we dilute it and walk along the rows, spraying it on the plants, who respond beautifully. When plants are strong and healthy, they are less susceptible to disease or pest damage. (Just like us humans, who are less prone to disease when we are well nourished, spending time outside in nature, physically active and in a peaceful state of mind.) I’ve observed that pests would rather chew on old, soft plant cells that are easy to chew. For that reason, I’ll leave an old withering flower or two on some plants, so that I can more easily pick off the pests and send them to their doom in my jar of soapy water. There are also many acres of woods close by and perching spots for birds who visit. Our tall cedar posts and sunflowers provide multiple resting and vantage points for hungry bluebirds and other feathered friends who contribute to our pest control efforts as well as pollination. (Butterflies, too.) In the evening, we see the bats and hear the owls. It’s pretty blissful here and nature is always waiting to apply its soothing balm. I can only tell you so much. You need to come to Best Buds and experience the healing and restoration of this place for yourself.

Hope to see you soon!